Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ideal Fashion Styles

Yo, it's been a minute haha
Anyway what's up guys, It's a New Year, huh. 2013 who would have guessed, still feels like 2012 to me or is that just my mind-set. So today's topic is drum roll please boboboboboboboboom FA$HION! Yes, fashion, the very fundamental root of our modern society today.
Be honest with yourself, and don't deny that your sub-consciousness unwilling observes people you meet let see perhaps when your taking a walk around the neighborhood. This was actually scientifically proven by a groups of sociologist and psychologist studying the human brain and society, so i'll know whether your lying to me.

So what is fashion? Well simply according to me first, it the stylish wear of clothes or combination of them to make them look attractive, pausibable and other things. Now the Wikpedia version, say that it is the 'general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories and make-up."Fashion" refers to a distinctive; however, often-habitual trend in a look and dress up of a person, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. "Fashion" usually is the newest creations made by designers and are bought by only a few number of people; however, often those "fashions" are translated into more established trends.' Well atleast i was slightly right :)
My focus today will solely be on the World's Most watched individuals and how the reveal there own fashion statements. . .

#1:Bruno Mars 
We already know that the man can pull off a hat, but it his illustrious master of the throwback style: partly Elvis, partly Sinatra that makes him the ideal Gentleman of classy dressing. Also i want to imitate his dressing style.

#2: Michael B. Jordan 
For those of you who know this man right here, he might be know as Vince Howard in Friday Night Light's, it's a cool show by the way or Steve Montgomery in Chronicle's but the one thing me and Jordan have is our causal style policy of soft button cardigans and sweaters. What an MAN!! 

#3: Jesse Eisenberg 
Even though there's a few nerdy people in the world who can pull off the whole geek, chi thing. Eisenbery or should i say 'Mark Zuckerberg' in The Social Network knows what labels fit his skinny frame just like I do.

#4: Kid Cudi
Few people do progressive hip-hop better than Cudi and that's a fact, i mean the man is my Idol for pit sake. Anyway he's born sample-size, so anything he rocks fits perfectly. Which is G, when for a guy you're rocking Surface to Air leather jackets and Jordans which i have to get, mine got stolen.

#5: Shia LaBeouf

Shia or Transformer guy, is an old man now. No longer does he where floppy pants and oversized T-shirts but is one of the finest best dresser around Hollywood.

#6: Andrew Garfield
He shouldn't have acted as Spiderman but more of Styleman beacuse to be honest out of all of the names i've put down so far he comes in second. But the new-bee Peter Parker (though i still preferred, the previous one) simply has wait for it......$CLASS$. I mean did you see the guy during the Red Carpet, a mixture of black, blue and grey :p Like Uncle Ben said, 'With great power comes great Fashion sense' think he was taking about you Garfield haha

#7: Nick Jonas 
Anyway we still all remember Nick or atleast i do, from my sister watching the Jonas Brothers. Nick is well my preferable choice simply because of his good guy personality which reminds me of mine. Simply put, the guy has the look of a movie star and stud. His constant style of leather jackets (which are the same as mine btw) and slinky tess (have no idea what that is) and the fact that he stays true to his purity ring makes me #respect with the highest esteem. Nick your my No#1 well dressed celebrity i know.

Until next time guys,
Samyueru Yagami

1 comment:

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