Saturday, January 26, 2013

The most consumed FOODS we know!!

Hey guys,
When i was considering today's topic, i thought of talking about food, considering as i just ate :)
Food is a very fundamental aspect of every humans life, it contains all the nutrients and vitamins that we need in order for us to function correctly. If we didn't eat food then we would become too skinny and ill, we would constantly be weak and we wouldn't be able to grow. Humans need a lot of things to survive. Potassium, Sodium, Fat, Calories, Fiber and a bunch of vitamins. The large assortments of food give people this. Calories give us energy, which we need to walk around everyday, breath, sit, etc. 

Now i'm just going to focus on the 6 types of common foods, each person, group or family would consume in their life time.


Pasta, one of the 'Top 10 most popular foods in the world' by

Now it's quite impossible to deny that anyone has never consumed pasta before, because it was voted by BBC as one of the world's favourite food. Well, simply many people have slurped over a bowl of spaghetti bolognese or tucked into a plate of lasagne. Ask a footballer what they can cook and they always say spaghetti. It is what you reach for when there is nothing else left in the cupboard. It's poor people's food and it's unsophisticated, you just boil it instead of putting it in the oven. It's stringy, long and quite annoying to eat if not cooked properly, but in all favours we love the dish.


Meat, one of the 'Top 10 most popular foods in the world' by

MEAT!! ^_^ man's sweetest blessing, i mean show me any person who doesn't like meat apart from vegetarians and the obvious and i'll tell you they are simply troubled. Who would not love that, juicy, thick, warm, chard, crispy goodness. I honestly feel like a meal is not a meal without meat.... see what i did there.


Rice, one of the 'Top 10 most popular foods in the world' by

Nice, white and simply. That's all there is to it. Plus it goes so well with meat.


Pizza, one of the 'Top 10 most popular foods in the world' by

What's that smell, must be the pizza. This cheesy goodness will never escape you, especially if your the kind of person who likes italian foods. Speaking of which i just ate my pizza and boy did it taste nice.


Vegetable, one of the 'Top 10 most popular foods in the world' by

Hmmmm.... im not crazy over veggies ever since i was a kid but still recognize it's importance in a balanced diet.


Chicken, one of the 'Top 10 most popular foods in the world' by

I guess that we all love chicken is probably because it comes from it being cheaper to buy than other meats/fish. 

Ofcourse there other common one's i left but please do check out one of my social profiles and follow or friend me and write your most common food.
See you all later.

Twitter: @SamyueruYagami
Blogger: You'll see it on the right side of my blog page

Samyueru Yagami

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