Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Naruto Manga Chapter 618: The One who knows Everything

HOOOOLLLYY SHIT!!! Naruto 618. At this point if you've ever given your respect to Kishimoto, i suggest you take that back and respect him again.....WOOWWW!!
So this is simply the Chapter that i've been anticipating, you've been anticipating, the entire Naruto Universe has been waiting for. Now, alot of debate had gone into whether the Kages could be revived seeing as the all were sealed away within the Shinigami of the Shiki Fuujin. Now, only a few people can honestly justify that they saw that coming, cause i did not in anyway see that you could attempt to do that.......but seriously the EPICNESS in this chapter is unreal.

So there a few things in the chapter that particularly interested and puzzled me, for starters being the mask. Now if memory serves correctly i do recall the 3rd Hokage saying that only a few shinobi could perform that jutsu, seeing as the 4th who was exceptionally talent could perform it as well, so i ask why is it that the uchiha possess these masks? I also noticed the Kishimoto perceives to us of Orochimaru's knowledge on the scroll, hence creating the assumption that it may have been his plan all along.
This also makes much more sense as to why he needed Sasuke's body so badly, as obtaining it would grant him access to the uchiha shrine thus the mask. What orochimaru's motive at this point is unclear, seeing as he had a number of objectives when he was previously alive.
Now i won't lie, i didn't expect that the 4 Kages would be revived, i was more along the lines of seeing the Rikuudo Senin which btw would have totally BLOWN MY FUCKING MIND!! but i guess that was a bit too over-exaggerated. Anyaway, what knowledge does Sasuke intend to gain from these 4 to make his decision on whether to destroy Konoha? Will this development drastically change the tide of the war? Will edo madara and edo hashirama battle? What will be naruto's reaction to seeing minato? Who are the two remaining souls? 
So many questions have been asked, and will only have to wait 7 more days to go :P. But overall remarks for this chapter get a 10 out of 10. Lovely change of pace, by Kishimoto.
Samyueru Yagami

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