Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Dawn of 2013 approaches!

Hey 2012 survivors,

In a few days now, this will be the trending topic on everyone's lips as well as every social site and news casts. I've been asked about my plans for the next year. Don't want to get ahead of myself since I haven't had many New Years Resolutions that have come to pass since 2009. 2012 was a weird blur to me. I experienced things and feelings i never thought I'd would occur to me like, who's real and who's not. Making new friends, establishing stronger friendships with your friends, being lied to and used and other uncanny things for me. I'm happy that it all went down, because it helped me see the truth and led me to the position I find myself in now, and i'm grateful to GOD for his plan. Learnt from my mistakes, im wiser, more independent and smarter in all ways.

Im not to optimistic about 2013 and what lies ahead, however i'm putting my faith and trust in GOD to guide me through the year. But overall, I had a lot of fun times, went to coast with a close mate of mine and killed it, became more close with some of my classmates, got mad WASTED :/ , had fun and lived 2012 and produced some of the most story-telling adventures that will be thought upon and laughed at for years to come with my friends. But my absolute and only resolution for 2013 is to pass my A-level exams, get my driving license establish my Serenity Photography and be more close to GOD and devote myself to him.
P.S: didn't die on 21st December 2012 so live goes on lol
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
Samyueru Yagami

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