Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Dawn of 2013 approaches!

Hey 2012 survivors,

In a few days now, this will be the trending topic on everyone's lips as well as every social site and news casts. I've been asked about my plans for the next year. Don't want to get ahead of myself since I haven't had many New Years Resolutions that have come to pass since 2009. 2012 was a weird blur to me. I experienced things and feelings i never thought I'd would occur to me like, who's real and who's not. Making new friends, establishing stronger friendships with your friends, being lied to and used and other uncanny things for me. I'm happy that it all went down, because it helped me see the truth and led me to the position I find myself in now, and i'm grateful to GOD for his plan. Learnt from my mistakes, im wiser, more independent and smarter in all ways.

Im not to optimistic about 2013 and what lies ahead, however i'm putting my faith and trust in GOD to guide me through the year. But overall, I had a lot of fun times, went to coast with a close mate of mine and killed it, became more close with some of my classmates, got mad WASTED :/ , had fun and lived 2012 and produced some of the most story-telling adventures that will be thought upon and laughed at for years to come with my friends. But my absolute and only resolution for 2013 is to pass my A-level exams, get my driving license establish my Serenity Photography and be more close to GOD and devote myself to him.
P.S: didn't die on 21st December 2012 so live goes on lol
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
Samyueru Yagami

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Naruto: Hyuga Neji

Before we start can we have a moment of silence for our fallen ninja............

Wassup, people been quite the emotional week in the Naruto universe after this weeks release of Naruto Manga Chapter 614 titled "To You".
Now for those of you who a narufans like me will understand, but if you have no idea about it then this might not be the post for you but be sure to stick around for the next. Hyuga Neji is dead,,,,,,hard to believe it but he is, Kishimoto decided it was his time to go which still makes no sense but it's done. This is the fifth time that i've felt strongly about a death in Naruto. I honestly think he should have died in combat against another enemy not like that. This was a total surprise to many fans. He's always been one of the more known friends of Naruto that we know most, that's why most of the fans are somewhat upset and sad. This is evidence that he really died, notice his Hyuga Main Family's Juinjutsu faded away.

The image above was a little tribute to Neji which he made today, he was drawn as a ghost going to a higher place such as heaven. Art like this is always awesome.

Here's a link to all the details you need to know about him: But simply put Neji Hyuga was one of the main supporting characters of the series. He was a jonin-level shinobi of Konohagakure's Hyuga clan and a member of Team Guy.
Anyway its sad that he had to die but atleast it make Chapter 615 more interesting, i swear, i've come up with my own chapter in my head :) We will never for get you Hyuga Neji.
Samyueru Yagami

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Chris August: No Far Away

Heyyy peeps!!

Been busy and lazy and in love with this girl I feel for so i couldn't post anything here but hey im back and i've got mad feedback asking me to review, American Contemporary Musician Chris August.

The first time i heard him was earlier this month when i was browsing through all these emotionally songs, but i'd seen him earlier but didn't bother. Till later on did i hear "Center Of It" which i'm so addicted to, but when "Stranger" popped up on to my YouTube screen...done deal...instantly I was his no# 1 fan.
'Stranger' is one of those songs that can get the toughest, hard-core guy soft. The emotions the song brings in me, Gaaaawwwsh!!.

So as I said earlier,Chris August Mergert is an American Contemporary Musician. He began recording as a secular musician before switching to Christian music. His song "Starry Night" reached #1 on the Billboard Christian Songs chart in 2011/12. He was nominated at the 2011 Dove Awards in five catergories, including Best New Artist and Song of the Year.
His recent album a peaked at #15 on the Christian Albums charts and #9 on the Heartseekers Albums. The single "Starry Night" hit #1 on the Billboard Christian Songs chart.His second single "7x70" which is basically about forgiveness follwed his parents' divorce when he was a fifth grade student.

But my all time favorites will be Center of it, Loving You is Easy, The upside of down and Stranger.
Anyway, im tired again.
Hope you enjoy the album as well as his GOD given musical talent.
Laterz, you've been very faithful
Samyueru Yagami

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Southern Air" YellowCard

Okay guys,
So Yellowcard released their new album on the 14th of August 2012 and for a well established and celebrated band didn't capture me as much as i would have expected them too.

Okay, their first promo song 'Always Summer' was a rocker, loved it so much and the fact that it was only a few minutes kept me wanting to hear their entire album..... Now, another song that took me was 'Sleep In The Snow' the intro, instrumentals and vocals were prefect. It ignites the middle section of the album, with 'A Vicious Kind' providing the back end of an impressive one-two punch.

I'm a huge rock fan....i listen to quite the number of rock/alternative bands. But my estimmed respect goes to The Script, The Maine, Boys Like Girls and Destine.
The Band members are Ryan Key (piano), Sean Mackin (violin), Ben Harper (lead guitarist), Joshua Portman (bass guitarist) and Longinue W. Parsons III (drums).
If you wanna hear the entire album, i've set a video for you guys to easily view it then search for the rest. Hope you enjoy the video.

However my all time favourite, will always be 'See Me Smiling' cause i have no way of explaining how this song gets me.
Thanks to all those who follow me and my blog, you're all beautiful.
Samyueru Yagami