Hey 2012 survivors,
Im not to optimistic about 2013 and what lies ahead, however i'm putting my faith and trust in GOD to guide me through the year. But overall, I had a lot of fun times, went to coast with a close mate of mine and killed it, became more close with some of my classmates, got mad WASTED :/ , had fun and lived 2012 and produced some of the most story-telling adventures that will be thought upon and laughed at for years to come with my friends. But my absolute and only resolution for 2013 is to pass my A-level exams, get my driving license establish my Serenity Photography and be more close to GOD and devote myself to him.
P.S: didn't die on 21st December 2012 so live goes on lol
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
Samyueru Yagami